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PLC BLOG | Panasonic PLC FPWIN PRO Elementary Data Type
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Panasonic PLC FPWIN PRO Elementary Data Type

Elementary data types is a basic data types in Panasonic PLC. These data types used to represent simple values such as numbers, string, and Boolean values. They are the basic building blocks of more complex data structures and are used to define variables and constants in a program. When we declare a variables in FPWIN Pro s require a data type. data type shows type of variables for example if a variable declare with bool data type it means variable hold only two values either true or false similarly if a variable is INT type so variable store only integer value without decimal. All data types conform to IEC61131-3. all data type have some reserved memory for storing value in that memory we disscuss all elementary data type in this article.

Panasonic PLC FPWIN PRO Bool Data Type

Bool Data Type have only 0 or 1. 0 represent false where 1 represent true. a variable with bool data type reserved 1 bit of memory area and have 0 or 1 value. So basically bool data type is very important in our industry because we know all switch represent with bool data type . all DI and DO used bool data type. so below is the example of simple push button with bool data type.

Panasonic PLC FPWIN PRO Bool Data Type

Panasonic PLC FPWIN PRO INT Data Type

INTEGER are natural numbers without decimal places so INT data type store natural number without decimal place. Size of INT data type is 16bit, and the range of values for INT data type is from -32768 to 32767.Numbers can be entered in decimal, hexadecimal or binary format.
    example of INT data type value
  • decimal format : 1234, -1234, -34, 45 etc.
  • hexadecimal format : 16#32, 16#AB, 16#A12C etc.
  • binary format : 2#1001000010 , 2#10111101110

Panasonic PLC FPWIN PRO INT Data Type

Panasonic PLC FPWIN PRO UINT Data Type

UINT is an unsigned INTEGER are numerical numbers without decimal places and negative values. Variable with UINT data type store only positive value. It’s a 16 bit and the range of value is from 0 to 65535.

Panasonic PLC FPWIN PRO UINT Data Type

Panasonic PLC FPWIN PRO DINT Data Type

DINT is DOUBLE INTEGER so it store more value than INT data type. DINT is 32 bit and range of value is from -2147483648 to 2147483647.
    Example of DINT data type value
  • decimal format : 1234567890, -12344567, -344563, 452342 etc.
  • hexadecimal format : 16#75BCD16, 16#AB75B, 16#F8A4C etc.
  • binary format : 2#111010110000010110100010101 , 2#1100011110100100001100101110

Panasonic PLC FPWIN PRO DINT Data Type

Panasonic PLC FPWIN PRO UDINT Data Type

UDINT is an unsigned DOUBLE INTEGER are numerical numbers without decimal places and negative values. Variable which declare with UDINT not store any negative value. UDINT is 32bit memory area and range of values from 0–4294967295.

Panasonic PLC FPWIN PRO UDINT Data Type

Panasonic PLC FPWIN PRO REAL Data Type

Real data type store all numerical values negative, positive and decimal values. Real data type is 32 bit memory size, numbers based on IEEE754. The mantissa is 23 bits and the exponent is 8 bits. The value range for REAL values is between -3.402823466*E38 to -1.175494351*E-38, 0.0, +1.175494351*E-38 to +3.402823466*E38. Real values mostly used in PLC programming for scaling a transmitter, addition, multiplication etc. all above data type is non decimal value. Example of real values is 3.45e-2, 0.34, 1.345, 11.234 etc.

Panasonic PLC FPWIN PRO REAL Data Type

Panasonic PLC FPWIN PRO Word Data Type

word data is fixed-size group of bits or bytes that can represent a binary value within a specified range. A variable of the data type WORD consists of 16 binary states. The switching states of 16 in/outputs can be combined as a unity in one word (WORD). It provides a basic unit of memory allocation and manipulation. Programmers use word data types to declare variables, define function parameters, and specify data structures. Word data type is Bit string of length 16, and range of decimal values is from 0 to 65535.
  • decimal format : 12345,12344, 344, 4542 etc.
  • hexadecimal format : 16#75B, 16#AB7, 16#F8C etc.
  • binary format : 2#111 , 2#110

Panasonic PLC FPWIN PRO Word Data Type

Panasonic PLC FPWIN PRO DWord Data Type

DWord is Double Word data type it's a 32bit data type, and range of this data type is 0–4294967295. Other is same as word data type.

Panasonic PLC FPWIN PRO DWord Data Type

Panasonic PLC FPWIN PRO Time Data Type

time data type store time value. We generally used in timer. Duration data must be delimited on the left by the prefix T# or TIME#. Time units seconds, milliseconds, second etc. size of time data type is depend on PLC type in Panasonic 16 bit TIME data type support only FP3, FP-C, FP5, FP10, FP10S, 32 bit TIME data type supported by FP-X, FP-Sigma, FP0, FP0R, FP2/2SH, FP10SH. time range for 16 bit TIME data type is 0.01 to 327.67 seconds and 32 bit TIME data type range from 0.01 to 21 474 836.47 seconds. Both time data type resolution is 10 ms. Example of TIME data type.
  • T#23ms T#-1000ms T#290.90s T#221.12m T#2.7h T#0.7d t#3h0m t#2d12h1m1s2.1ms
  • TIME#156s TIME#-1h time#1.2d

Panasonic PLC FPWIN PRO Time Data Type

Panasonic PLC FPWIN PRO DATE Data Type

DATE store date the format of D#YYYY-MM-DD or DATE#YYYY-MM-DD.The range of values for DATE values is from D#2001-01-01–D#2099-12-31. example of DATE Data Type
  • D#2010-06-07-15, d#2010-06-07
  • DATE#2010-06-07, date#2010-06-07



TIME_OF_DAY store time of day in the format of TOD#HH:MM:SS or TIME_OF_DAY#HH:MM:SS.The range of values for TIME_OF_DAY values is from TOD#00:00:00–TOD#23:59:59. it's not similar to TIME data type both are different. example of TIME_OF_DAY Data Type
  • TOD#15:36:55, tod#15:36:55
  • TIME_OF_DAY#15:36:55,time_of_day#15:36:55



DATE_AND_TIME store date as well as time in the format of DT#YYYY-MM-DD-HH:MM:SS or DATE_AND_TIME#YYYY-MM-DD-HH:MM:SS.The range of values for DATE_AND_TIME values is from DT#2001-01-01-00:00:00– DT#2099-12-31-23:59:59. You can use this data type for date and time application. example of DATE_AND_TIME Data Type
  • DT#2010-06-07-15:36:55, dt#2010-06-07-15:36:55
  • DATE_AND_TIME#2010-06-07-15:36:55, date_and_time#2010-06-07-15:36:55


Panasonic PLC FPWIN PRO STRING Data Type

String data type used to store a series ASCII characters up to 32767. The default number of characters for STRING is 32. Maximum number of Characters depends on the memory size of the PLC. The string must be enclosed in single quotes. You can declare maximum number of character when you declare a string data type. For example char_1 is variable and it have maximum 12 character. You can also enter constants string. We discuss more about string data type in separate article. Example of String data type
  • 'abcd' 'panasonic plc' etc.

Panasonic PLC FPWIN PRO STRING Data Type
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